American Short Stories

Best American Short Stories is a collection of some of the most captivating and thought-provoking short stories written by American authors. These stories are carefully selected to showcase the diversity and talent of American writers, making it a must-read for any literature lover. From heart-wrenching tales of love and loss to gripping mysteries and thrilling adventures, this genre has something for everyone. At, we bring you a curated selection of the Best American Short Stories that will keep you hooked from the first page to the last. Our website offers a user-friendly interface and easy navigation, making it convenient for readers to explore and discover new stories. With a wide range of genres and authors to choose from, there's never a dull moment on our site. So why wait? Dive into the world of Read American Short Stories and let your imagination run wild. Whether you're looking for a quick read or a deep dive into a complex plot, our website has it all. Join us on this literary journey and experience the power of storytelling at its finest. Happy reading!

TOP Story

Local Tongue

570 Reads
Chapter 1 3 hours ago


Black Christmas

518 Reads
Chapter 1 6 days ago


Over These Still Rising Waters

504 Reads
Chapter 1 5 days ago


Life Line

438 Reads
Chapter 1 21 hours ago


On the Job Training

377 Reads
Chapter 1 2 days ago


The Consortium Library

374 Reads
Chapter 1 23 hours ago


In Hell

332 Reads
Chapter 1 5 days ago


The Clock Strikes Glick

318 Reads
Chapter 1 22 hours ago