It Goes Without Saying
Nora Thompson
Danh mục
1 year ago
Part Chapter
It was Justine that came forward first. She’d shown up to the Sid Press offices and asked to speak with me alone. I sat her in my personal office and shut the door. Sade caught my eye as I drew the blinds but she didn’t disturb us. “The President has been sleeping with a student.” She said. I swallowed, student-run newspapers usually didn’t get this kind of scoop, in my opinion they shou...
Outstanding reviews
Hey thanks! This is my first time entering one of these and it’s a little terrifying to think of other people reading my writing. That being said, I really appreciate the feedback :)
This was my first time too! I know that feeling, I've been using the prompts to get back into writing myself. It's been years since I really put the effort in and I used to write a lot so it can definitely be nerve wracking to put yourself out there. It's not little feat to do so, and you should be proud of yourself for it. Keep writing! You'll only get better and stronger in your style! I look forward to reading more from you!